Normal Blood Sugar Levels



Normal Blood Sugar Levels are provided in the Blood Glucose Chart. A simple diabetes blood test using diabetes test strips allows for continuous blood glucose monitoring at home.

How do you check your blood glucose level?

Put blood from a finger prick on a diabetes test strip. Blot off excess blood with a tissue. Read the glucose test strip either by comparing the colour with the colour chart on the test strip bottle or by using an electronic blood glucose meter. It is important to follow the instructions on the bottle or meter carefully.


When should you check your diabetes blood sugar levels?


For Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (usually controlled by diet for diabetes and diabetes medicine, or by diet alone), 2-3 times each week at different times of the day is enough.

For Diabetes Mellitus type 1 (which requires insulin), more regular checking is required; that is, at least once a day, usually first thing before breakfast and then about 2 hours after a meal.

Your blood glucose levels are likely to be low before meals and high 2 hours after meals.

Special Circumstances

Stress, illness or too much food will push your blood glucose level up and you can get high blood sugar readings.

Exercise and your diabetes medications will pull your blood glucose level down.

When you are ill or under a lot of stress or exercising more than usual, you may need to check your blood sugar levels more often than usual.

What are the Ideal Blood glucose levels?

Ideal or normal blood sugar levels are 3-6 mmol/L before meals and 3-7 mmol/L 2 hours after meals.

Fair control is a blood sugar level range of 6-8 mmol/L before meals and 7-10 mmol/L after meals.


Diabetes Symptoms, Monitoring, Diet, Treatment & Health tips

Latest Influenza Vaccines (Protects against Flu and H1N1 Viruses)

Make your Appointment at Tel: 6694 1661

Sinopharm COVID-19 & 最新のインフルエンザワクチン (インフルエンザおよび H1N1 ウイルスから保護) / PCR COVID テスト / 旅行者向けの血清学検査 & ワクチン接種状況を証明するための血清学検査。電話でご予約ください: 6694 1661


Blood Glucose Chart

- Normal Blood Sugar Range (Targets of Glycaemic Control)



HbA (%)

Pre-meal Glucose

mmol/L (mg/dL)

2-hour post-meal glucose

mmol/L (mg/dL)











- Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels that are sub-optimal or unacceptable



HbA (%)

Pre-meal Glucose

mmol/L (mg/dL)

2-hour post-meal glucose

mmol/L (mg/dL)











* Based on Singapore Ministry of Health Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus 2006


Diabetes Self Management by Continuous glucose monitoring

  1. Check your blood glucose level regularly, and record the result and the date and time of the test in a blood glucose log.
  2. Be careful to follow the instructions accurately.
  3. Ideal or normal blood sugar range is between 3 and 7 mmol/L.
  4. If you are ill or under stress, your blood glucose level is likely to go up. You should check it more often than usual, and see your doctor if it does go up.

Don't forget to record the date, time and result of your blood sugar test.

Up to $400 per Medisave Account per year can be used for Vaccinations under the National Adult & Childhood Immunisation Schedule - Influenza, Pneumococcal (PCV13/PPSV), Human Papillomavirus (HPV2/HPV4), Hepatitis B, Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis (Tdap), Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) and Chickenpox (Varicella)

Part of the National Influenza Sentinel Surveillance programme with MOH. If you have a fever of > 38 degrees with a cough, our clinic is able to test for COVID-19. For children below 12 years old with clinical diagnosis of HFMD (eg fever, oral ulcers, rash), our clinic can test for Hand Foot & Mouth Disease (The tests are for surveillance purposes only).


Diabetic Neuropathy Easy Self Assessment

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) can injure nerves throughout your body. Diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in your legs and feet.

You may use a piece of stiff fishing line string to do this easy Diabetic foot self test. If you have lost sensation in any of the spots indicated in the above diagram, seek medical advice from your family doctor to get a professional diagnosis and medical intervention.

'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.'

Health Assessment & Screening Packages

Bone Mass Loss for Men & Women with Age - Health Screening @ MDIMC

* 健康診断とスクリーニングのパッケージ


Complications of Diabetes


Hypertension Symptoms & Treatment, Blood Pressure monitoring, BP Chart

Diabetes Symptoms & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

COVID-19 合併症の危険因子

Risk Factors of COVID-19 Complication

Source : Observer Research Foundation

Lung, Neurological, Liver & Kidney Diseases

* 肺、神経、肝臓、腎臓の病気


Learn what is Cancer, Skin Cancer-Types, Causes & Prevention, Melanomas Explained & Detecting Skin Cancer with Dermoscopy.

Skin Cancer Signs & Symptoms - MDIMC

COVID-19 と他の感染症との重複感染の可能性

Covid Symptoms & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

Co-infection of COVID-19 with other infectious diseases is possible

Reduce your risk of getting sick with COVID-19

  • Make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date. People older than 65 years, and those with many underlying conditions, such as those who are immunocompromised or with significant liver disease, are recommended to receive vaccinations against Influenza and pneumococcal disease (PCV). Click here for Vaccination schedules (NAIS/NCIS).
  • Do not delay getting medical care for your underlying condition because of COVID-19. MD International Medical Centre has contingency MOH infection prevention protocols to protect you from getting COVID-19 if you need care for your underlying condition.
  • Continue your medications and do not change your treatment plan without talking to your doctor.
  • Make sure that you have at least a two-week supply of your chronic disease medications.
  • Call MDIMC @ Tel: 6694 1661 for a medical appointment if you have any concerns about your underlying medical conditions or if you get sick. Our clinic is a PHPC-accredited medical clinic. Under the MOH Swab & Go Home programme, our doctors can do a COVID-19 PCR Swab test if you meet the MOH medical crtieria.


Flu Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

Latest Influenza Vaccine

Asymptomatic patients may display no symptoms of illness. Vulnerable people should get vaccinated against Influenza which protects susceptible people from, as well as exclude the Flu and H1N1 viruses should they start to show URTI or ARI symptoms.

a. Vaccination decreases the risk of co-infection with COVID-19.

b. Vaccination reduces the burden of respiratory illnesses in the healthcare system.

The latest Influenza Vaccine is now available. It protects against the Flu and H1N1 Viruses. Ministry of Health Safety protocols are adhered to at all times for the safe vaccination of you and your family.

* Importance of Keeping your Vaccinations Up-to-date

NAIS & NCIS - Singapore is free from vaccine-preventable diseases like poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) because of our successful immunisation progamme.

National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) Singapore @ MD International Medical Centre. Make your vaccination appointment at Tel: 6694 1661.

Up to $400 per Medisave Account per year can be used for Vaccinations under the National Adult & Childhood Immunisation Schedule - Influenza, Pneumococcal (PCV13/PPSV), Human Papillomavirus (HPV2/HPV4), Hepatitis B, Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis (Tdap), Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) and Chickenpox (Varicella).

予防接種スケジュール - インフルエンザ、肺炎球菌(PCV13/PPSV)、ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV2/HPV4)、B型肝炎、破傷風、ジフテリアおよび百日咳(Tdap)、麻疹、おたふく風邪および風疹(MMR)、水痘

疼痛緩和の管理と治療、予防接種、健康診断、COVID とアレルギーの検査、皮膚科の治療、軽度の外科手術

Pain Relief Management & Treatment, Vaccinations, Health Screening, COVID & Allergy Testing, Dermatology Treatments, Minor Surgical Procedures



  • 一般診療家庭医療 - 病気と感染症
  • マイナーな外科的処置
  • IV 薬の注入
  • 呼吸器内科 - インフルエンザ、風邪、咳、上気道感染症 (URTI)、急性呼吸器感染症 (ARI)、副鼻腔感染症
  • 胃の問題、胃の痛み、過敏性腸症候群、胸やけの治療
  • 感染症とウイルス学 - COVID-19、デング熱、インフルエンザ、B 型肝炎など
  • 皮膚科 - 皮膚の問題(湿疹、にきび、発疹、おでき、皮膚炎、色素沈着または乾燥肌、ほくろ/スキンタグ/いぼの除去)
  • ダーモスコピー - 皮膚がん、陰部シラミ、疥癬の非侵襲的検出
  • 虫刺されの治療
  • 若く見える - ボトックス注射
  • 目の健康 / 眼科 - 結膜炎、目の中の異物など
  • 呼吸器内科 - 咳、喘鳴、息切れ
  • 耳、鼻、のど (ENT) - 耳垢の除去、耳鼻咽喉炎、鼻出血 - 鼻出血、いびき & 睡眠時無呼吸、めまい & めまい、オージオグラム (聴力検査)
  • 痛みの管理、治療と治療 - 関節炎、背中と関節の痛み、片頭痛、痛風
  • スポーツ医学 - スポーツ傷害の治療
  • 予防接種 / 予防接種 - 最新のインフルエンザワクチン、Sinopharm COVID ワクチンおよびブースター
  • 旅行の健康 - 旅行の予防接種と健康診断、旅行者の下痢
  • アレルギー検査・アレルギー性鼻炎・喘息管理
  • 健康診断・血液検査
  • 慢性疾患の管理 - 前糖尿病、糖尿病、インスリン抵抗性/高血圧の治療
  • 心臓の健康 - ECG 心臓モニタリング / 高コレステロール管理 / 胸の痛み
  • 役員の健康診断 - 雇用前の健康診断 / 労働許可証 / 雇用パス
  • 学生証・運転免許証の確認
  • 個人の健康管理 - 予防医学と疾病予防
  • 高齢者・シニアの健康
  • 男性の健康 - 勃起不全の薬など
  • 女性の健康 - 骨粗鬆症、重い月経、乳房のしこり、尿路感染症、貧血、震え
  • 子供の健康と栄養/小児科
  • 肥満 / 体重管理 & 安全な減量 / 栄養 & ダイエット
  • うつ病 / 不安 / 不眠症 & ストレス管理
  • 性感染症 (STD)

Daily bread - Can any human body handle gluten? Dr. Rodney Ford | TEDxTauranga

Gluten – friend or foe?
This was the talk that got the standing ovation and changed everyone’s eating habits for the rest of evening. Over the course of 15 minutes Dr. Rodney Ford, MB. BS. MD. FRACP, and a pioneer in the field of paediatric food allergies, convinced an audience of 500 that nobody is equipped to digest gluten. How did he do it? By using lego! Dr. Ford showed us the indigestible gluten protein is chased by the antibodies that our systems create to combat the gluten. Based on decades of research, Dr. Ford believes that abundant health can be achieved by anyone who eats the appropriate foods.

Dr Rodney Ford, MB. BS. MD. FRACP, is a paediatrician and former Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at Christchurch Clinical School. He is a specialist in food allergy and gastroenterology at the 'The Children's Clinic and Allergy Centre', Christchurch, New Zealand. Rodney's philosophy is “diet: not drugs” as he has seen too many people given medications for symptoms without first considering the possibility of food allergy or food intolerance. Rodney has been investigating adverse reactions to gluten for over 20 years and these illnesses have now been labelled “Gluten-related disorders” or Gluten Syndrome, with world-wide evidence accumulating that gluten may not be healthy for us all. Dr. Ford's current goal is to bring communities up-to-date about the harmful effects of gluten.

MD International Medical Centre

Medical Services available:

  • General Practice Family Medicine - Illnesses & Infections
  • Minor Surgical Procedures
  • IV Infusion of Medications
  • Respiratory Medicine - Influenza, Colds, Cough, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI), Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), Sinus Infection
  • Treatment of Gastric issues, Stomach aches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Heartburn
  • Infectious diseases & Virology - COVID-19, Dengue, Flu, Hepatitis B etc
  • Dermatology - Skin Problems (Eczema, Acne, Rash, Boils, Dermatitis, Pigmented or Dry Skin, Moles /Skin Tags /Wart Removal)
  • Dermoscopy - Non-invasive Detection of Skin Cancer, Pubic lice & Scabies
  • Treatment of Insect Bites & Stings
  • Look Younger - Botox injections
  • Eye Health / Ophthalmology - Conjunctivitis, Foreign body in the Eye etc
  • Respiratory Medicine - Cough, Wheezing, Shortness of breath
  • Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) - Ear Wax Removal, Ear Otitis Enterna, Nose Bleed-Epistaxis, Snoring & Sleep Apnoea, Vertigo & Dizziness, Audiogram (Hearing test)
  • Pain Management, Treatment & Therapy - Arthritis, Back & Joint Pain, Migraine, Gout
  • Sports Medicine - Treatment of Sports Injuries
  • Vaccinations / Immunization - Latest Flu vaccine, Sinopharm COVID Vaccine & Booster
  • Travel Health - Travel Vaccinations & Health checks, Travellers' Diarrhoea
  • Allergy tests / Allergic Rhinitis / Asthma Management
  • Health Screening / Blood tests
  • Management of Chronic Diseases - Treating Prediabetes, Diabetes & Insulin Resistance / Hypertension
  • Heart Health - ECG Heart monitoring / High Cholesterol management / Chest pains
  • Executive Health Assessment - Pre-Employment check-up / Work Permit / Employment Pass / Employment Pass
  • Student Pass / Driving License Check-up
  • Personal Health Management - Preventative Medicine & Disease Prevention
  • Elderly / Senior Health
  • Men's Health - Erectile Dysfunction medications etc
  • Women's Health- Osteoporosis, Heavy Periods, Breast lumps, Urinary Tract Infection, Anaemia, Tremors
  • Child Health & Nutrition / Paediatrics
  • Obesity / Weight control & Safe Weight loss / Nutrition & Diet
  • Depression / Anxiety / Insomnia & Stress Management
  • Erectile Dysfunction medications / Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

Public Health Preparedness Clinic

National University Health System Primary Care Network

Singapore Ministry of Health Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP)

The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

MD International Medical Centre / MD International (Singapore) Pte Ltd

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9 Taman Serasi #01-11, Botanic Gardens View

Tel : 65-6694-1661  Fax : 65-6694 1771

Email :

Clinic hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am-12.30pm / 2pm-6.30pm    Saturday: 9.30am-1pm

*Last registration is 30mins before the closing time

Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays

- Cashless service with most International Insurance companies and Insurance Medical cards are accepted

- Japanese, English & Mandarin-speaking Doctors and Medical staff

Please contact us at Tel: 6694 1661 to make an appointment.

Please make an appointment for the following at Tel: 6694 1661:

* Minor Surgical Procedure

* Health Screening / Blood Test

* Dermatology Treatment

* Allergy Testing

* Pain Treatment & Therapy

* Vaccination

* Pre-Departure PCR Swab Test / Serology Testing

  • 小型外科手术
  • 健康检查/验血
  • 皮肤科治疗
  • 过敏测试
  • 疼痛管理与治疗
  • 疫苗接种
  • 出发前 PCR 拭子检测
  • 血清学检测


Dr Don Lau – Medical Director

MBBS (Monash), B Med Sc (Hons) (Monash), Dip Pract Derm (Wales, UK)

Fujiwara Takanori

The Chiropractic Association Singapore, Japan Chiropractic Register, American Chiropractic Association, California Chiropractic Association

Physiotherapy-trained NBCE The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Dr Wu Lin Chieh - Paediatrics @ MDIMC

Dr Wu Lin Chieh

MD (Duke-NUS), MRCPCH (Paed)(UK)

YAMAGATA Chihiro 山懸千尋

Registered Psychologist

MD International Medical Centre

Medical Services

Minor Surgical Procedures :

·       Injection for Supraspinatus or Bicipital Tendonitis / Epicondylitis / Trigger finger / Plantar Fasciitis

·       Tendon Sheath Injection

·       Excision of small Skin tumours / Lipomas / Nail bed / Ear lobe cysts / Meibomian cyst

·       Removal of Skin sutures / Skin tags / Sebaceous cysts / Various foreign bodies / Corneal foreign body

·       Liquid Nitrogen Therapy

·       Treatment of Plantar Warts / Calluses / Corns / Ganglions

·       Splinters under nails

·       Olecranon and Pre-patellar Bursitis

·       Ear syringing

·       Embedded earring stud

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