Travellers' Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea, abdominal pain and sometimes vomiting are unfortunately common during many overseas trips.

Traveller’s Diarrhoea is usually due to infections with bacteria such as E. coli  or Salmonella, but can also be due to viruses such as norovirus.

In most cases, the infections are mild and can be treated with simple medication to relieve the worst symptoms. It is advisable to take some symptomatic medications on trips to areas which are isolated or may not have easily accessible healthcare.

Sometimes diarrhoea or abdominal pain persist for longer than a few days, in which case you should seek a review from your doctor.

Food Poisoning Symptoms & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

Managing your Diarrhoea Symptoms


If you have Mild diarrhoea without blood - Unformed stools at increased frequency ;

ACTION : No specific action is necessary, mainain your fluid intake. You may consider symptomatic treatment eg prebiotic and/or probiotic. Make sure you have easy access to toilets and let your diarrhoea run its course.

If you have Moderate diarrhoea without blood - Watery stool not causing undue distress :

ACTION : Maintain your fluid intake. Take additional oral rehydration solution. Consider symptomatic treatment and seeing your family doctor for medications.

If you have Severe diarrhoea without blood - Copious watery stools and cramps :

ACTION : Maintain fluid intake. Use oral rehydration solution. See your family physician for medications.

Different Types of Diarrhoea & their Symptoms


If you have Diarrhoea with Blood or Prolonged Diarrhoea lasting 4 days or more and/or with worsening symptoms :


如果您患有带血腹泻或 持续 4 天或更长时间和/或症状恶化的长期腹泻:


A guide to vaccination for travellers for important diseases (in rural areas of high risk countries)


Gastrointestinal Tract Absorption of Nutrients

The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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