Identifying Insect Bites & Stings

Here's a convenient table of different kinds of pattern of rash caused by bites of common insects around you. If unsure, please consult your skin doctor.

Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug nymphs >

Bee Sting

Fire Ant Bites

Flea Bites

Hair Lice Bites

Mosquito Bites

Sandfly Bites

Scabies Mites Bites / Burrows

Spider Bite

Infected Spider Bite

Tick Bite

Ticks before & after feeding

A Comprehensive Allergy Test can be done at a medical clinic.

Comprehensive Allergies Test for up to 101 allergens:
* Food Allergy eg Seafood, Nuts, Eggs, Fish, Meat, Fruits, Seeds or Vegetables
* Dust/Mold Allergy
* Insect Sting Allergy
* Pet/Cockroach Allergy
* Eye or Skin Allergy
* Sinus Infection/Allergic Rhinitis
* Drug/Latex Allergy

Skin Problems - Treatment for Allergies, Dermatitis, Eczema & Urticaria/Hives

Allergy Symptoms & Testing - Treatment @ MDIMC

Recognising symptoms of Anaphylaxis (Severe Allergic Reaction)

  • Itching, swelling of lips
  • Itching, tightness, stridor (high-pitched, wheezing sound caused by disrupted airflow), hoarseness
  • Itching, hives, redness and swelling
  • Rapid breathing, cough, wheeze
  • Giddiness, weak pulse, pale, clammy, loss of consciousness

Seek immediate medical attention. Call 995 for emergency ambulance. Ensure that the person is lying down in a safe location, keeping airway patent and maintaining breathing.

Learn what is Cancer, Skin Cancer-Types, Causes & Prevention, Melanomas Explained & Detecting Skin Cancer with Dermoscopy.

Skin Cancer Signs & Symptoms - MDIMC

Dermatology Problems - Treatment of Acne, Dry Skin, Warts, Corns & Calluses on Feet

Acne Causes & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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