A Wheat and Gluten-free Diet

Preventing, Alleviating or Curing many Medical Diseases?

Can a Wheat-free Diet help you to lose weight and reduce Obesity, Heart disease, Auto-immune diseases & Cancer, even Alzheimer's disease & Schizophrenia or reverse Diabetes & pre-Diabetes? Recent research has also shown promising results that a Gluten-free diet showed a reduction in the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Heartburn/GERD, ADHD, Asthma & allergies, even acne.

Watch the following videos by several doctors (Dr William Davies, Dr Sarah Hallberg, Dr Alessio Fasano, Dr David Perlmutter & Dr Rodney Ford) and decide for yourself whether you should adopt a Gluten-free diet if you are suffering from the above-listed medical conditions. Even unexplained diarrhea, headaches/migraines or chronic fatigue has been alleviated by going Gluten-free.

The case these doctors put forward based on research and empirical evidence from thousands of patients is that Wheat and Gluten contributes to this shocking host of diseases and chronic medical problems, and increasing the incidence of celiac disease and Autism.

What does Wheat & Gluten do to your body?

Foods containing wheat have an extremely high glycemic index (70+ out of a possible 100), that is the body suffers a sudden spike in blood glucose after a meal of food containing wheat. Add to that the fact that the wheat we are eating is completely dissimilar genetically to the wheat of the 1950's, after all the genetic modifications and mutations the plant has undergone.

The doctors also point out that Gluten causes prolonged periods of inflammation in the body, leading to many of the diseases most prevalent today. Ironically, foods containing wheat are actually appetite-enhancing and can cause sugar cravings.

William Davis MD - Wheat: The UNhealthy Whole Grain

The wheat of today is not the wheat of our mothers or grandmothers. Modern wheat is the product of genetic manipulations that have transformed its properties. Modern wheat is now a 2-foot tall, high-yield semi-dwarf strain, different in both appearance and multiple biochemical features from traditional wheat. Introduction of this new strain of wheat was associated with the appearance of a long list of health problems, along with weight gain and diabetes.

According to Dr. Davis, saying goodbye to all things wheat provides outsized and unexpected health benefits, from weight loss, to relief from acid reflux and bowel urgency, to reversal of diabetes, migraine headaches, and learning disabilities in children.

Dr. William Davis is author of the #1 New York Times bestselling book, Wheat Belly: Lose the wheat, lose the weight and find your path back to health (Rodale, 2011), now debuting internationally in over ten foreign languages. Wheat belly has helped spark a nationwide reconsideration of the conventional advice to "eat more healthy whole grains."

Formerly an interventional cardiologist, he now confines his practice to prevention and reversal of coronary disease in his practice in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Davis is a graduate of the St. Louis University School of Medicine, followed by training in internal medicine and cardiology at the Ohio State University Hospitals, and training in interventional cardiology at the Case--Western Reserve Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio. He is also founder of the online heart disease prevention educational program, Track your Plaque.

Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines - Dr Sarah Hallberg | TEDxPurdueU

Can a person be "cured" of Type 2 Diabetes? Dr. Sarah Hallberg provides compelling evidence that it can, and the solution is simpler than you might think.

Dr. Sarah Hallberg is the Medical Director of the Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program at IU Health Arnett, a program she created. She is board certified in both obesity medicine and internal medicine and has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology. She has recently created what is only the second non-surgical weight loss rotation in the country for medical students. Her program has consistently exceeded national benchmarks for weight loss, and has been highly successful in reversing diabetes and other metabolic diseases. Dr. Hallberg is also the co-author of www.fitteru.us, a blog about health and wellness.

Alessio Fasano MD - Spectrum of Gluten-Related Disorders: People Shall Not Live by Bread Alone

The cultivation of gluten-containing grains that were the backbone of the agricultural revolution have also brought with them the manifestation of conditions related to negative reactions to gluten. These include celiac disease, wheat allergy and the "new kid on the block" of the spectrum of gluten-related disorders—gluten sensitivity. The autoimmune disorder of celiac disease is the most widely studied condition on the spectrum. It affects approximately 1 in 133 people, a rate that has doubled in the U.S. every 15 years over the past 35 years. An estimate from the Center for Celiac Research puts gluten sensitivity at 6% of the U.S. population. With current interest in the human genome and microbiome, research is leading scientists to examine the relationship between the intestinal microbiome and gluten-related disorders. Currently the gluten-free diet is the only available treatment for gluten-related disorders.

World-renowned pediatric gastroenterologist, research scientist, and entreprenuer Alessio Fasano, M.D., founded the Center for Celiac Research in 1996. The Center offers state-of-the art research, clinical expertise and teaching for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gluten-related disorders, including celiac disease, wheat allergy, and gluten sensitivity. Trained in Naples, Italy, as a pediatric gastroenterologist, Dr. Fasano was recruited to the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1993 and founded its Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Puzzled by the absence of children exhibiting symptoms of celiac disease in the clinic, he resolved to uncover the mystery of missing American "celiacs." His perseverance in the face of skepticism about celiac disease in the U.S. eventually led to his publication of the groundbreaking study in 2003 that established the rate of the autoimmune disorder at one in 133 Americans.

In early 2013, Dr. Fasano was appointed Division Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at MassGeneral Hospital for Children. He brought the Center for Celiac Research to Boston, where he heads the Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center, based in Charlestown, and is Associate Chief for Basic, Clinical and Translational Research for the Department of Pediatrics at MassGeneral Hospital for Children. He is a Visiting Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.

Supplements for Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut) :

Prebiotics & Probiotics

- Arabinogalactan (Immune support)

- Saccharomyces boulardii

- Lactobacillus Sporogenes

- Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS - 1

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. David Perlmutter, Author of Grain Brain

Natural health expert and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. David Perlmutter about the implications of diet to Alzheimer's risk.

Here is a list of the Best Antioxidants and Free Radical Scavengers that you should be taking as dietary supplements daily as recommended by Dr David Perlmutter, author of 'Grain Brain':

  • Tumeric
  • DHA Omega 3
  • B complex vitamins (including Vitamin B12)
  • Vitamin C & D
  • Bacopa
  • Brocolli
  • Alpha-Lipoic acid 300 (ALA)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Resveratrol
  • Milk Thistle
  • Green Tea
  • Probiotics
  • Coenzyme Q10 (coq10)

These nutritional supplements reduce oxidative stress on your brain and body, thus protecting your health.

Daily bread - Can any human body handle gluten? Dr. Rodney Ford | TEDxTauranga

Gluten – friend or foe?
This was the talk that got the standing ovation and changed everyone’s eating habits for the rest of evening. Over the course of 15 minutes Dr. Rodney Ford, MB. BS. MD. FRACP, and a pioneer in the field of paediatric food allergies, convinced an audience of 500 that nobody is equipped to digest gluten. How did he do it? By using lego! Dr. Ford showed us the indigestible gluten protein is chased by the antibodies that our systems create to combat the gluten. Based on decades of research, Dr. Ford believes that abundant health can be achieved by anyone who eats the appropriate foods.

Dr Rodney Ford, MB. BS. MD. FRACP, is a paediatrician and former Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at Christchurch Clinical School. He is a specialist in food allergy and gastroenterology at the 'The Children's Clinic and Allergy Centre', Christchurch, New Zealand. Rodney's philosophy is “diet: not drugs” as he has seen too many people given medications for symptoms without first considering the possibility of food allergy or food intolerance. Rodney has been investigating adverse reactions to gluten for over 20 years and these illnesses have now been labelled “Gluten-related disorders” or Gluten Syndrome, with world-wide evidence accumulating that gluten may not be healthy for us all. Dr. Ford's current goal is to bring communities up-to-date about the harmful effects of gluten.

Health Assessment & Screening Packages

Food Poisoning Symptoms & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

Gastrointestinal Tract Absorption of Nutrients

Healthy Diets for Optimal Health

Food Health / Detox / Immune Support / Cancer Prevention
Probiotics / Good Bacteria Effects - MDIMC
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms - Treatment @ MDIMC
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms - MDIMC
Zinc Deficiency Symptoms & Causes - Treatment @ MDIMC
Iodine Deficiency Symptoms - MDIMC
Iron-rich foods for Low blood haemoglobin

Healthy Aging 健康老龄化

Bone Mass Loss for Men & Women with Age - Health Screening @ MDIMC

The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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