High Blood Pressure Symptoms
and Hypertension Causes

What are the High Blood Pressure symptoms you should look out for and what are the causes of high blood pressure?

What are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?

Usually there are none. People with very high blood pressure can feel quite well. It is rare to feel headache, palpitations or sick until complications set in. The following Hypertension Symptoms may indicate the effects of high blood pressure on organ damage :

High Blood Pressure Headache - Headache is one of the hypertension symptoms that may occur in hypertensive patients (remember most are asymptomatic). It is typically early morning, occipital and throbbing. It appears to be related to the severity of blood pressure.

Dyspnea on exertion - This is a sensation of breathlessness that is excessive for any given level of physical activity. Patients may complain of tightness in the chest. Appropriate breathlessness following activities such as running to catch a bus is not abnormal, but may be excessive due to obesity or lack of fitness.

Chest Pains - Sudden onset of pain in chest may indicate myocardial ischaemia, especially if accompanied with left arm pain.

Ankle Oedema or Swelling

Hematuria - This is the presence of blood in urine. It may be only microscopic hematuria or the detection of red cells in the urine. Your doctor may carry out urine tests to check for possible target organ damage and possible causes of secondary hypertension.

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What causes High Blood Pressure?

In most cases (up to 95%), there is no identifiable cause, it just happens that way. The pressure in our arteries is high because the heart pumps too hard and the arteries are too narrow. This is like the pressure in a hose, the further we turn up the tap and the narrower the hose, the greater the pressure.

Sometimes hypertension is caused by a kidney problem or other rare disorder. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is an important cause.

Certain drugs may cause hypertension such as NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents), corticosteroids, oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy.

Click here to find out ways to lower blood pressure naturally.

Hypertension Management

Pre-Hypertension to Hypertension Risks & Effects

  • Treatment with high blood pressure medication is probably for life. The medications for high blood pressure must be taken regularly as directed by your doctor and never stopped unless advised by him.
  • There is a need to reduce your weight, quit smoking, reduce salt and alcohol intake, learn relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
  • Check with your doctor what the blood pressure medication side effects are. Let your doctor know if you encounter any, rather than stop the antihypertensive drugs. Always ensure that you have sufficient supplies of your blood pressure meds.
  • Some of the blood pressure medication side effects have to be tolerated. It may take some time to find the best high blood pressure medication for you, the right dose or combination of drugs.
  • Regular follow up with your doctor is important. Arrange weekly appointments until the blood pressure is controlled and stable.
  • Thereafter, another appointment in 1 month and after that 3 monthly so that your doctor can assess your general health, the control of your blood pressure and weight, your comfort with the medications for high blood pressure and your compliance in taking the medicines. Your doctor will also check for any evidence of organ damage eg heart, kidney, retina etc.
  • Physical examination and Basic Screening tests may be carried out by your doctor to check for possible target organ damage and possible causes of secondary hypertension.

Please seek Medical attention as soon as possible if you are unsure of you or your family's health condition.

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High Blood Pressure Causes & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

Causes of Secondary Hypertension

Secondary hypertension (secondary high blood pressure) is high blood pressure that's caused by another medical condition. Secondary hypertension can be caused by conditions that affect your kidneys, arteries, heart or endocrine system.

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The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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