Self-help High Blood Pressure Treatments

Self-help High Blood Pressure Treatments provide ways you can lower blood pressure naturally to avoid a lifelong commitment to blood pressure medications.

High blood pressure medication (or antihypertensive drugs) can reduce your high blood pressure, but it might be possible to lower your high blood pressure to normal by leading a sensible, healthy lifestyle.

* If you are already taking anti-hypertensive drugs, the medications for high blood pressure must be taken regularly as directed by your doctor and never stopped unless advised by him.

Hypertension Symptoms & Treatment, Blood Pressure monitoring, BP Chart

Diabetes Symptoms & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally


High Blood Pressure Diet - Follow a nutritious, low-fat diet, high in calcium. Many countries' governments are now advocating the DASH Diet which lists foods that lower blood pressure. Magnesium supplementation is also one of the ways to reduce blood pressure naturally. Avoid licorice and licorice-containing substances.

Caffeine and High Blood Pressure - Caffeine has an acute dose-related pressor effect. People who have ingested significant amounts will have a blood pressure reading which is elevated above their usual level. Reduced intake of Caffeine is recommended and may be beneficial. Caffeine is found in instant coffee, brewed coffee, tea, chocolate drinks and cola drinks.

Salt and High Blood Pressure 盐和高血压 - Put away the salt shaker; use only a little salt with your food. Some individuals seem to be more sensitive to salt restriction.

Obesity and Hypertension 肥胖和高血压 - Aim to keep to your ideal weight. There is considerable evidence that weight loss and gain are linked to a corresponding fall and rise in blood pressure. Where required, a weight loss plan should be organized to reduce the BMI to between 20 and 25. It is estimated that for every 1kg of weight lost, blood pressure dropped by 2.5mmHg systolic and 1.5mmHg diastolic.

Alcohol and High Blood Pressure 酒精和高血压 - Aim for either none or only small amounts. Drinking more than 20g of alcohol a day raises blood pressure and makes treatment of established hypertension more difficult. People with hypertension should limit their alcohol intake to 1 or 2 standard drinks per day. Reduction or withdrawal of regular alcohol intake reduces blood pressure by 5-10mmHg.

Stress and High Blood Pressure 压力和高血压 - Avoid stress and overwork. Consider relaxation or meditation classes.

High Blood Pressure and Exercise 高血压和运动 - Increase Exercise. Regular aerobic or istonic exercise helps in reducing high blood pressure. Hypertensive patients beginning an exercise program should do so gradually. Walking is an appropriate exercise. Weights and other forms of isometric exercises should be avoided because they will significantly elevate blood pressure in the hypertensive patient.

Smoking and Hypertension 吸烟与高血压 - Smoking causes acute rises in blood pressure but does not appear to cause sustained hypertension. However, it is a risk factor for cardiovascular heart disease, so it would be better to quit smoking. Continued smoking may negate any benefits of antihypertensive therapy.

Blood Pressure Medications 血压药物

If these natural high blood pressure remedies do not help in lowering your high blood pressure, blood pressure medicines will be necessary. The high blood pressure medications act by softening the strong pumping action of the heart or relaxing the tight arteries or reducing the body chemicals that are controlling your blood pressure.


The medications for high blood pressure must be taken regularly as directed by your doctor and never stopped unless advised by him.

Health Assessment & Screening Packages

Pre-Hypertension to Hypertension Risks & Effects

Please seek Medical attention as soon as possible if you are unsure of you or your family's health condition.

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High Blood Pressure Causes & Prevention - Treatment @ MDIMC

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(Ref: Nutrients. 2020 Apr 23;12(4). pii: E1181. doi: 10.3390/nu12041181 Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Functioning Immune System Is an Important Factor to Protect against Viral Infections Calder PC1, Carr AC2, Gombart AF3, Eggersdorfer M4.

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The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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